Saturday, February 8

Chandigarh November 17, 2021

Department of Community Education and Disability Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh  organized Web Series-1 with Collaboration in National Institute for the Empowerment of Persons with Visual Disabilities (NIEPVD), Dehradun, on the topic “Understanding Visual and Performing Arts: Its Role in Enhancing Learning for Children with Special Needs today under the Web series of AZADI KA AMRIT MAHOTSAV

The Webinar was organized under the patronage of our honorable Vice-Chancellor Prof. Raj Kumar and chaired by Prof. (Dr.) Navleen Kaur Chairperson, Department of Community Education and Disability Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh. The chairperson introduced the topic and warm welcomed the resource person Dr. Pankaj Kumar, Assistant Professor, National Institute for the Empowerment of Persons with Visual Disabilities (NIEPVD), Dehradun. He highlighted different aspects of arts and multiple intelligence which involved in creating the relationship between human and environment. It was also focused on the types of arts (visual and performing) which are required by the children with special needs in the process of academic and nonacademic learning. By understanding and training of these arts, children with special needs will be capable to orient themselves appropriately and enhance of their potential of learning very comfortably.

Around 100 participants like; rehabilitation professionals, research scholars, students, parents, and other stakeholders attended the Webinar. The skills learnt in this webinar can be utilized by them to enhance the learning capability of children with special needs (CWSN). Dr. Md. Saifur Rahman  proposed the vote of thanks.

The Webinar was organized by the Department Faculty: Dr. Md. Saifur Rahman, Mr. Nitin Raj and Md. Taukir Alam.