Tuesday, March 4

Chandigarh December 18, 2020

The Chandigarh Science Congress (CHASCON-2020) is being held through online mode from 17th-19th December, 2020 by Panjab University. It was inaugurated on 17th December, 2020 by Prof. RK Singla, Dean University Instructions, Panjab University, Chandigarh.

On 17th December, 2020, the afternoon session on COVID-19 covered various aspects of virus biology and vaccine development by eminent scientists and clinical management. Prof. Paula Videira from Lisbon University gave insights into role of glycans in biology and Prof. Ravi Gupta, Medical Superintendent, GMCH-32 gave insights into clinical management of disease in the hospital setting.

In the session on chemistry and drug development Prof. Yoshiki Yamaguchi from Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Japan gave insights into glycan structure determination using NMR approach. Prof. Asit K Chakraborti from IIT Ropar highlighted the contributions of his group towards developing green chemistry and anti-tubercular drugs. Prof N Jayaraman from IISc Bangalore gave insights into carbohydrate chemistry and its role in developing useful products.

A panel discussion was held on start-ups and Dr. Rohit Sharma and the panellists gave insights into the experience of young entrepreneurs and answered questions from audience.

Special lectures were delivered by Prof. MM Sharma, FRS, Professor of eminence, IICT, Mumbai and Prof. Nigel Hughes from University of California. Prof. Sharma recounted his experiences in developing chemical industry oriented technologies and encouraged young scientists to develop novel techniques in keeping with the theme of the congress. Prof. Nigel gave valuable insights on his work on fossils found during his investigations in the Himalayan region which gave insights into their marine origin and the Himalayan uplift and erosion phenomenon.

On 18th December the conference is being conducted in eight different scientific sections where eminent scientists are giving invited talks and young scholars / faculty / scientists are being given an opportunity to showcase their research work through posters, abstracts and oral presentations.

For further queries Contact:

Prof Desh Deepak, 9228379835