Wednesday, March 5


Chandigarh 9, 2020:

“Leading one’s life with composure while maintaining equipoise and simplicity is achievable by being connected to the almighty God”, was the clarion call by Her Holiness Nirankari Satguru Mata Sudiksha Ji Maharaj, revealing the need as imperative at the concluding session of the three days 73rdVirtual Annual Nirankari Sant Samagam.

            The Samagam was held in a virtual format and was webcast on the website of the Mission and telecasted on Sanskar TV channel which was viewed by the entire Nirankari fraternity across the globe and other God loving people.

            Satguru Mata Sudiksha Ji Maharaj explained the necessity at maintaining composure at each and every stage or situationin one’s life. She further stressed that this state of mind can be achieved by remaining connected with the eternal source of stability; the omniscient,omnipotent and omnipresent formless God.This enablesthe human mind to take wise decisions and empowers it with the ability of facing ups and downs in life with composure.

            While drawing analogy from a strong tree; Satguru Mata Ji explained that itwithstands all weather conditions and transitions of various seasons. The tree which is once lush green, blossoms and bears fruits,but also later witnesses the falls season in which it appears to be leafless and brown;but continues to stand firm due to the strong bond with its roots.Her Holiness exhorted human beings to have firm belief andfaith in the eternal stable formless God who will see us through thick and thin of life in a state of equanimity.

            Earlier,while heralding the commencement of the Samagam on 5th December 2020,in Her message to humankind, Her Holiness appealed all to prioritize imbibing human values while avoiding attachment to materialistic gains and considering them as mere means to dwell on this earth. These possessions, Her Holiness said, should not be considered as the ultimate achievements.

            In her discourse on the first day,Satguru Mata Ji explained that nothing in this Universe is stable;everything is subject to change and is destructible, which was vividly reflectedin the Covid-19 situation.Attachment with the constantly changing materialisticattributes affects us emotionally,mentally and physicallytoo.By being connected with onestable God and implementing human values through our thoughts, word and actions,we can live in solaceand bliss.

            Her Holiness further explained that in human life;ups and downs,favourable and unfavourable situations, negative and positive thoughts are a part and parcel, which one cannot escape.Composure is the only solution, and taking recourse to it can strengthen our ability to face the situations effectively.


            The second day was marked by a colourful Sewadal Rally which saw participation of volunteers from hundreds of branches in India and abroad.The program started with the Sewadal prayer seeking blessing from Satguru to stay committed to selfless services of humanity.Messages of the Mission were portrayed through various skits, performances, exercises and pyramid formations with perfect coordination of mind and body.

            Satguru Mata Ji blessed the Sewadal volunteers and appreciated their services during Corona times which were executed by rising aboveall prejudices and challenges, staying motivated with the ethos of self service. Recounting their services viz. providing food grains,medicine and essential items,offering food and shelter to the migrants,distributing sanitizers, masks reaching out to people in the cities,towns,villages and traversing to remote areas and executing with complete humility in an exemplary way.

            Addressing the devotees on the second day, Satguru Mata Ji said that it is only through God Knowledge that our true sense of existence as part of the oversoul dawns upon us, making us stay connected to the Formless God,derivingcomposure and calmness.God Knowledge clarifies that it is not the outward circumstances and situations which impart satisfaction and happiness; rather it is vice-versa.Our inner thoughts,calmness and control over oneself resultin a state of contentment which knows no interference from external factors.

            Drawing learning from mother nature,Satguru Mata Ji highlighted the fact that the deepest part of the sea remains calm as contrary to the waves,ripples and noise being generated near the shores where the depths are low and further explained that a stable person will maintain and exhibit stability through all situations in life as compared to a person bereft of it, reacting to smallest fluctuation insituations of life.

            Her Holiness urged everyone to adopt love,mercy,compassion,large heartedness and make humanity as our priority and uphold it as a true religion.


            The concluding day was highlighted by a Poetic Symposium which was based on Composure. Approximately 21 poets from different parts of the countryand abroad participated in it. Renderances in Hindi,English,Punjabi,Urdu,Marathi and Multani enthralled the viewers.

            The 3-day Samagam left the entire Nirankari familyoverwhelmed with bliss, while they all rededicated themselves to their commitment towards humanity; alongwithprayers for resumption of regular congregationssoon and the Samagam being conducted in open grounds as in the past.