Thursday, March 6

Chandigarh December 7, 2020

To spread  awareness about the need for positive mental health in times of Covid-19 pandemic, Panjab University  has launched  a series of lectures by eminent psychologists, according to Prof Seema Vinayak, Chairperson of Psychology Department and in-charge mental health under National Flagship Programme.

As part of this initiative, Professor Indranee Phookan Borooah of Gauhati University addressed a national webinar on impact of adverse childhood experiences on mental health in which she emphasized on  its long-term effects that  can range from physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, to divorce of parents, or captivity of caregiver. “It can affect the biomedical health of the individual, illicit drug use, stability of relationships, performance at work” she added. A trauma-informed school system  and caretaker’s training can help children to overcome their problems and achieve certain milestones.