Tuesday, March 11

Korel ‘Purnoor’, CHANDIGARH – 03.10.2020

One arrested with fake number plate

Chandigarh Police arrested Abrar R/o Jhuggi back side Big Bazar Zirakpur, Punjab (age about 37 years) while he was using fake Registration No UP-32N-8597 on stolen Honda City Car near Water Works, Sector-32, Chandigarh on 02.10.2020. In this regard, a case FIR No. 193, U/S 473, 411 IPC has been registered in PS-34, Chandigarh. Investigation of the case is in progress. 

One arrested for Theft

Elam Deen R/o # 6125, Maloya Colony, Chandigarh reported that unknown person stole away two mobile phones from his house on night intervening 01/02.10.2020. A case FIR No. 144, U/S 380 IPC has been registered in PS-Maloya, Chandigarh. Later one person namely Bhagwan @ Giri @ Munnu R/o # 5502/2, Maloya Colony, Chandigarh (age 25 years) has been arrested in this case. Investigation of the case is in progress.


          A case FIR No. 181, U/S 147, 148, 149, 452, 323, 427, 506 IPC has been registered in PS-Mauli Jagran, Chandigarh on the complaint of Kunal R/o # 2849, Mauli Jagran Complex, Chandigarh who alleged that Karan, Sahil, Vishal, Kala, Mima, Salim, Karan, Arjun, Sikandar, Badhiya, Tony, Vikas, Sunny, Shammi, Banti and others attacked on complainant with sticks, rod, bricks at his shop on 01.10.2020. They damaged household items and vehicles parked outside his shop. Later alleged persons namely Sikandar R/o # 2086, Mauli Jagran Complex, Chandigarh, Sammy R/o # 2071, Mauli Jagran Complex, Chandigarh, Vikash R/o # 2086, Mauli Jagran Complex, Chandigarh, Banti R/o # 2095, Mauli Jagran Complex,Chandigarh and Sunny R/o # 2408, Mauli Jagran Complex, Chandigarh have been arrested in this case. Investigation of the case is in progress.

          A case FIR No. 182, U/S 147, 148, 149, 324, 506 IPC has been registered in PS-Mauli Jagran, Chandigarh on the complaint of a lady resident of Mauli Jagran Complex, Chandigarh who alleged that Rahul, Ravi, Deepak, Chandera and Manu Ram all R/o Mouli Jagran Complex, Chandigarh had attacked on complainant’s brother-in-law namely Madan with sword in front of H.No. 4202, Mauli Jagran, Chandigarh on 26.07.2020. They also assaulted/attacked on complainant while complainant tried to save her brother-in-law. Investigation of the case is in progress.

MV Theft

Brindra Prasad Pal R/o # 422, Vikas Nagar, Mouli Jagran, Chandigarh reported that unknown person stole away complainant’s Splendor M/Cycle No. CH-01AK-8598 from parking near GPO, Sector-17, Chandigarh on 28.09.2020. A case FIR No. 168, U/S 379 IPC has been registered in PS-17, Chandigarh. Investigation of the case is in progress.

Rahul R/o # 3373, Sector-45/D, Chandigarh reported that unknown person stole away complainant’s Splendor M/Cycle No. CH-01AZ-3788 parked near his house on the night intervening 23/24-09-2020. A case FIR No. 194, U/S 379 IPC has been registered in PS-34, Chandigarh. Investigation of the case is in progress.