Saturday, March 15

Chandigarh August 21, 2020

Panjab University Alumni Association organised a webtalk today on  “ Wit and Humour from the Bar and Bench”  by Prof. (Dr.) Balram K. Gupta, Director (Academics), Chandigarh Judicial Academy, Chandigarh and Prof. (Dr.) Shruti Bedi,   Professor of Law, University Institute of Legal Studies,PU.

Prof. Deepti Gupta, Dean Alumni Relations, Panjab University welcomed the eminent speakers and thanked them for taking out the time for this talk. Ms. Sonia Chandel from PUAA formally introduced and welcomed Prof. Balram Gupta and Prof. Shruti Bedi.

The webinar opened with a sense of anticipation. People were eager for some wit and humour. Prof. Balram Gupta shared some funny anecdotes and incidents from his years of practice which left everyone amused. Dr Gupta said that in any profession whether teaching , medical or legal, humour is a lubricant. Every teaching,if laced with humour and wit can bring out the seriousness of the subject , thereby making it more absorbing.The participants gave very positive feedback on the chat.

Then Prof. Bedi shared some interesting incidents, both from the Indian and English courts, which left the audience in splits. 

The speakers kept switching and taking turns to keep the audience engaged and mesmerised. They shared witty incidents from the life of Mr G Ramaswamy, Attorney General of India, and Mr C. K. Daphtary, who was the first Solicitor General of India  and was known for his witty replies. In the constitutional challenge to the Bombay Prohibition Act, when asked about the nature of the intoxicants which were declared prohibited under the Act, Mr Daphtary described them and, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, added: “And then, My Lords, there are substances other than liquid refreshments which also intoxicate — and power is one of them”. Prof. Gupta also shared the famous remark “A Republic without a PUB is a mere RELIC”. Many such anecdotes and shenanigans were shared with the participants. 

Dr. Balram K. Gupta is a judicial educator at the national and international level; Designated Sr. Advocate; Former Director, National Judicial Academy, India; Dean, Faculty of Law, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar; Prof. and Chairman, Dept. of Laws, Panjab University, Chandigarh; and Parliamentary Fellow, ICPS. He has lectured at different universities and institutes in the UK and USA and has contributed papers in national and international journals. He has been honoured with the State Award of Nyaya Rattan. As Distinguished Alumnus, honoured at the First Global Meet Panjab University Alumni Association. Past President, Rotary Club Chandigarh Midtown (2002-03); Life Time Achievement Award by Rotary International District 3080; Paul Harris Fellow; Founder Member, Society of Meritorious Students, Chandigarh.

Prof. Shruti Bedi, Ph.D. is Professor of Law at the University Institute of Legal Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh. She is Director, Centre for Constitution and Public Policy, UILS, PU; Faculty Chair, Alternate Dispute Resolution and Client Counselling Board, UILS, PU; and is the former Coordinator, Centre for IAS, Panjab University. She has authored two books, co-edited four books, lectured and interacted with faculty from various countries and is regularly invited for international and national talks, media debates, panel discussions and lectures.

Towards the end, Prof. Deepti Gupta invited some of the members to unmute themselves and talk to the speakers if they wanted. There were many students of Prof. Balram Gupta and even professors of Prof. Shruti Bedi who congratulated them for the wonderful web talk. The webinar ended with a vote of thanks by Prof. Deepti Gupta to the speakers and the participants.