Sunday, March 16

                  In view of the Independence Day Function at Parade Ground Sector 17, Chandigarh, the following traffic restrictions/diversions shall be in place on 15.8.2020:-

Traffic Advisory:-

  1. The following road stretches around Parade Ground, Sector 17 shall remain closed from 6.30 AM onwards on 15.8.2020 till the time the function at the Parade Ground gets over:-

    a.     From roundabout of Sector 16/17/22/23 upto Gurdial Singh Petrol Pump, Sector 22-A on Udyog Path.

    b.     From Old District Court, Sector 17 upto Shivalik Hotel on the backside of Parade Ground, Sector 17.

    c.     From Lyon’s Restaurant Light Point near MC Office Sector 17 upto Parade Ground.

  • No general parking shall be allowed in the parking area in front of shops in market of Sector 22-A from 6.30 AM onwards till the function gets over.
  • Special invitees having authorized Car Parking Labels are requested to approach Parade Ground, Sector 17 from the roundabout of sector 16/17/22/23 (Cricket Stadium Chowk) on Udyog Path and park their vehicles in the parking area in front of the market of Sector 22-A.
  • Buses coming towards ISBT Sector 17 shall be diverted towards ISBT Chowk Sector 17 from Kissan Bhawan Chowk and Piccadilly Chowk via Himalaya Marg & shall reach ISBT Sector 17 from Small Chowk (near Gurdial Singh Petrol Pump). 
  • Further, in order to de-congest this area at the time of dispersal, traffic shall be diverted away from ISBT Sector 17 Chowk on Udyog Path by diverting traffic coming from 17/18 Light Point, Aroma Light Point, Sector 18/19/20/21 chowk and Cricket Stadium Chowk for half an hour i.e. from 9.30 AM to 10.00 AM.  Further, at the time of dispersal, only buses will be allowed to ply on this stretch. 
  • Temporarily Grain Market established at ISBT Sector 17 will remain closed on 15.8.2020.

Note: Road users are, therefore, advised to make use of alternative routes during the timings given above. Inconvenience caused to the general public on account of these restrictions is regretted. General public is requested to cooperate with the police.

Security Advisory:-

1.       Invitees are requested to be seated latest by 8.30 AM at the Parade Ground, Sector 17, Chandigarh.

2.       Special invitees/attendees are requested to enter Parade Ground from Gate Nos. 3, 4 & 5 i.e. opposite Sector 22 side, Chandigarh.

3.       Media persons are requested to enter Parade Ground from Gate No. 2 i.e. opposite Sector 22 side, Chandigarh.

5.       All attendees are requested to carry an original photo ID card.

6.       Special invitees are requested to prominently display the authorized “Parking Label” on the windscreen of their vehicles and carry invitation card.

7.       All attendees are requested not to bring any objectionable articles such as bag, match box, knife, cigarette, weapon, liquor, inflammable items, electronic devices, etc.

8.       All attendees are requested to remain seated in the designated sector till the function gets over and then disperse in an orderly manner.