Monday, March 17

Chandigarh July 23, 2020:

The Interdisciplinary Center for Swami Vivekananda Studies organised a web lecture on the topic Thought and Philosophy of Swami Vivekananda for the Youth by Prof.A. Palainswamy, Chairperson of the department of Physical Education and Coordinator Center for Vivekananda Studies, Bharathidasan University Tiruchirappalli,Tamil Nadu.

Prof.Palaniswamy  through the illustrated talk threw light on the relevance of thought and philosophy of Swami ji  for the youth of today. Through different quotes of Swamiji he emphasized the importance of positive energy in life which help us to transcend impermanence. The  fourfold mantra of  Swami ji physical, social, intellectual and spiritual quest will elevate   us  to lead ideal life. He said  young population  of India  will help India emerge as a global  leader.The youth of the country is it’s strength and the success of the nation depends on the success of youth.Youth should follow the philosophy of this great Saint to excel in life and have faith in themselves.They should strive to be  good  human beings and do good to others in society.

Prof.Nandita Singh Dean International Students presided over the lecture and said that Swamiji  had a magnetic personality and commanding intellect.His teachings are relevant for all of us in the present times.

Prof.RenuThakur Coordinator ICSVS introduced the speaker and Dr Monika Aggarwal conducted the proceedings of today’s Web lecture.