Tuesday, March 18

Chandigarh July 21, 2020

With the initiatives of Ministry of Human Resource and Development, under the aegis of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching, the Center for Academic Leadership and Education Management (CALEM) running in Panjab University Chandigarh took an initiative to arrange an online seven days Faculty Development Programme from July 15-20, 2020 on the theme of “Technology and Instructional Reforms with reference to Online Teaching, Learning and Evaluation”.

The course was coordinated by Dr Vishal Sharma,Coordinator, Swayam, Dr Kanwalpreet Kaur ,Chairperson, IETVE, Prof. Kirandeep Singh ,Chairperson, Deptt. of Education; Prof. Jatinder Grover ,Coordinator CALEM and Dean, Faculty of Education, Panjab University, Chandigarh.

          Prof. Raj Kumar, Vice-Chancellor, Panjab University, Chandigarh welcomed all the dignitaries and participants. He shared that the main objective of this faculty development programme is to train the faculty participants and fully prepare and equip them with online teaching-learning tools. Learning of these tools and techniques will help the faculty members to design their own online courses as well as E-content for the online teaching, learning and evaluation. He said that our teachers have to use this opportunity to refine their skills for managing instructions in the virtual classroom.

Prof. S.P. Bansal, Honourable Vice-Chancellor, Himachal Pradesh Technical university, Hamirpur (H.P.) was the Chief guest in the valedictory session of this one week workshop. He highlighted that the lockdown has provided enough space as well as an opportunity to the faculty for learning and practicing the various tools and techniques necessary for managing online teaching. The need is to train the teachers about using the technology tools to supplement and complement the learning. He further stress upon the use of various digital learning initiatives of Government of India in the online teaching and learning.

Prof. Jatinder Grover, Dean Faculty of education and Coordinator CALEM shared that Centre for academic Leadership and Educational Management read the report of this one week Faculty development program. He told that more than 700 participants from 35 universities from India got registered for this workshop and successfully completed the same. Various resource persons from different national institutes delivered their lectures and conducted training in workshop mode. In these sessions all the participants performed the hands on training on different tools and techniques and also submitted their assignments. They have been told about the best practices to be followed in online teaching, best virtual learning platforms and use of open education resources in their teaching. Dr. Kanwalpreet Kaur, proposed vote of thanks to all dignitaries and participants.