Wednesday, March 12

Chandigarh March 30, 2020

Keeping in mind the situation developed as a result of COVID-19, Dr Tejinder Pal Singh, Associate Professor,University Busines School, Panjab University Chandigarh  has scheduled  PhD-2(Econometric
Methods-PhD 9204) classes online .

Similarly, Dr Neha Gulati , Assistant Professor is also ensuring that students are engaged academically during the lock down period.

She is conducting online classes, Quiz Test , Descriptive Test through following options:

1. Google Classroom :
It has been used to send study material including pdf, ppt, web resources, to answer student queries, to conduct online synchronous test both Quiz and Descriptive. Till date 2 Quiz and 1 Descriptive test has been conducted with 100% student participation.

Test 1 conducted on 17 March,2020
Test 2 conducted on 24 March,2020
Test 3 scheduled on 31 March, 2020

2. Online videos and Study Material:
Study material has been also been shared amongst students through personal online videos created using OBS TOOL.

3. Assignments submitted Online :
Students have submitted assignments online and these have been evaluated online using Rubrics in Google Classroom.

4. Students have been encouraged to create their own videos for topics assigned so that it becomes easy for others to understand the concept. These are regularly being shared amongst the class.

5. Open Book Test are being conducted to keep them connected academically.

It is ensured  that in this period of hardship,  UBS students would make all  proud by their achievements.