Monday, March 10

If everything is to go as per the schedule then why is this mockery annonced by the administraton. As we all know that schools are conducting annual exams, and next session is to be started by 1st April 2020. then what is new in the order. Shall we take it for gauranteed that student’s immune system was boosted with providing of date sheet. If school children are suppose to write their exam as per schedule then why is the announcement of school clousre.

The Chandigarh Administration has suspended classes in schools till March 31 amid rising coronavirus cases in the country. 

A circular by Chandigarh’s Education Department said that all government and private schools—both aided and unaided—will remain closed until March 31, but examinations will go on according to schedule. 

“Students will attend the school only to take/appear in the Board Examination, Annual Examination and Assessment Examination etc. during March 2020 as per the previous schedule,” the circular said. However, all teaching and non-teaching staff members will attend the school as usual until further orders.

It also said parents should instruct their children to avoid crowds or large gatherings during this period.  

“Students may also be advised to follow the School Advisory/ Instructions/ Guidelines issued from time to time by the Ministry of Health, Govt. of India / local health department, the circular said.