Friday, March 7

Korel, Chandigarh February 20, 2020

The 19th International Melow Conference will be held at the Department of English and Cultural Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh from the 21st – 23rd February, 2020 by MELOW, The Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the World. Founded in 1998, under the name MELUS-India, MELOW endeavours to set up a global network of scholars working on World Literatures. The 19th International Conference of The Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the World touches on subjects like Connections in World Literature, Traditions and Counter Traditions.

A wonderful opportunity has been provided to the scholars of Panjab University and other literary aspirants by MELOW under the presidency of Prof. Manju Jaidka in collaboration with the Dept. of English and Cultural Studies chaired by Prof. Deepti Gupta, with Dr. Meenu Gupta as the convenor.

The conference will begin with an Inaugural Session on the 21st of February at  9.30 AM. Prof. Mukesh Williams from Soka University, Tokya, Japan, will give the keynote address. A special invited Isaac Memorial Lecture will be delivered by Prof Senath Walter Perera from Srilanka. The conference will be spread across three days. There will be a total of 34 sessions across three days, some plenary and the rest parallel. There will over 150 registered delegates of which approximately 30 hail from overseas: from Japan, Poland, US, Nepal, Bangladesh, etc.

 The three-day conference will be brought to a close with a valedictory session on the 23rd February.