Tuesday, March 4



Name of Medal Name of Officer Photo
PRESIDENT POLICE MEDAL FOR MERITORIOUS SERVICE (PM) Sh. Sudesh Kumar, Assistant Sub Inspector   Presently posted at PS-Industrial Area

Shri Sudesh Kumar remained posted as MHC of various police stations and did excellent job for maintaining record which was appreciated by his senior officers during every inspection of Police Station. He used to assist the Station House Officer in the investigation of heinous offences to solve the murder and Rape cases. He was also a member SIT formed to enquiry a complaint made by Dolly Bindra against Radhe Maa. He passed SAAT of UN and on 23′ March, 2014 he, was deployed in United Nation Mission in Liberia. While he was in UN mission in Liberia, he was travelling in UN Helicopter flight no. UN161 from Monrovia to Barcleville which was crash landed. Sh. Sudesh Kumar being traumatized himself extracted the injured crew member (Flight Engineer). He shows his selfless act to help others and in doing-so putting his life in danger injuring him took out the injured Flight Engineer from the cockpit of crashed Helicopter. His swift action went a long way in ensuring the well being of the injured flight engineer. He also demonstrated his bravery, professional and courageous dedication to duty to ensure safety and security at the site of the incident as it was imminent risk of catching the fire and exploding. For this act, he was awarded with a Courageous Service Award by UN Police Commissioner, United Nations Mission in Liberia on 15th February, 2015.