Tuesday, March 4

Korel, Chandigarh January 24, 2020

            A  National  Conference  was organized at  University  Institute  of  Legal  Studies (UILS ), Panjab University  by the  Legal  Aid  Society  in  collaboration  with  National  Commission  for  Women, here today. The  theme  of  the  conference  was  “Crimes  Against  Women: Issues  and  Remedies.” 

            Prof. Rattan Singh, Director, UILS  delivered  the  welcome  address  and  introduced  the  theme  of  the  conference.

            Prof. Nishtha Jaswal, Vice Chancellor Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla was the Chief Guest and in  her  keynote  address, she  highlighted  the  need  to  start  making  a  change  for  the  smallest  unit  i.e.  an  individual  and  then  move  on  to  the  family, society  and  the  world  at  large.

            Prof. Pam Rajput (Professor Emeritus) stressed upon the need to bring changes to the curriculum to promote capacity building programs for girls. She also stressed for the need for a National Plan of Action to check crimes against women.             Around  150 papers  on  various  sub-themes such  as  sexual  harassment  of  women  at  workplace, trafficking  of  women, safety  of  women  in  conflict  areas,  were  received. A  total  participation  of  around  200  delegates  was  witnessed at  the  Conference. The  Conference  turned  out  to  be  an  appropriate  platform  for  discussing  women-related  issues  and  engaging  a  forward  looking  dialogue as  to  reducing  crimes  against  women.