Tuesday, March 4

Chandigarh January 21, 2020

                   A seven day short-term course on “Advanced Techniques in Economics Research” in collaboration with Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC), Panjab University (P.U.), Chandigarh concluded today in the Department of Economics, PU.

                   Professor S.K. Tomar, Director, Human Resource Development Centre, P.U., Chandigarh accompanied the Chairman of Department of Economics    S.P. Padhi to attend the valedictory address delivered by Prof. Sunil Kumar, Faculty of Economics, South Asian University, New Delhi.

                   24 faculty members from various Universities and Colleges within India and Nepal attended the course. The participants were trained with Advanced Econometric Techniques in the area of Applied Economics Research. The faculty of the Department of Economics along-with the faculty from BITS PILANI as well as  Madras Institute of  Development Studies acted as Resource Persons during the course. Professor S.P. Padhi, Chairperson and Dr. Nitin Arora of the Department of Economics jointly coordinated the course.