Tuesday, March 4

Korel, Chandigarh January 6, 2020

                The Senate Election of the Panjab University of Registered Graduate Constituency will be held on 20.09.2020. In this Election, the existing voters and new voters can cast their votes. Fifteen (15) members are to be elected from this Constituency.

  1. The following classes of graduates of the Panjab University shall be eligible for enrolment provided that they are domiciled in India:
  2. Those who have taken a Doctorate degree or Master’s degree, in any Faculty of the University;
  3. Those who have graduated, not less than 5 years before registration, in any Faculty of the Panjab University, Chandigarh; or from the University of the Panjab, Lahore. For this purpose, the period of 5 years shall be counted from the year in which a person passed the degree examination concerned.

Illustration:- A Person was declared to have passed the B.A. examination in 2015 or before, he will be eligible for enrolment in 2020.

  • The voter shall also indicate the year and Roll No. of passing the Matriculation/Higher Secondary Examination along with the name of University/Board from where he has passed the said examination

Those who fulfill the above condition/s can deposit the application form upto 24.02.2020, obtainable from the P.U website (http:senateelections.puchd.ac.in/show-noticeboard.php?nbid=1) with cost of Rs. 1/- (application form) and fee of Rs. 15/- (life membership) (Total Rs. 16/-) along with self attested Photo Residence proof and one latest passport size photograph.

  • They can also send the above documents (scanned copies) by sending email with subject “Registration P.U. Senate Election 2020” to elections@pu.ac.in.
  • Existing voter: A voter, whose name already exists in the voter list used for election in 2016, need not send the above documents to revalidate his/her name. However, to be eligible to vote in the Election Scheduled in Sept. 2020, a photo ID with address such as Aadhaar Card, Voter Card, valid Passport, Driving License, Senior Citizen Card, Bank Passbook is a must at the time of voting for all the voters
  • Change of Address: If any voter wants to get the address changed, he/she can download the same form P.U. website and deposit the same upto 23.04.2020 in the election Cell, P.U. Chandigarh. No fee is required to be deposited with Change of Address form.