Wednesday, March 12

Chandigarh, December 30, 2019

On the sixth day, the day started with a  session on menstrual health management by Miss Roopinder, Miss Megha and Mr. Kavneet Singh of Centre for social Work (UIEASS), Panjab University, Chandigarh.They are certified trainers from Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC). They shared about menstruation as a taboo in different  parts of the country through videos. They discussed about the changes in adolescent age in boys and girls. They tried to break the stereotypes amongst the volunteers about menstruation and its effects. Emphasis was also on male education about menstrual health.They shared various products used during periods. They discussed facts about menstruation.

Post lunch, Col. Aparjit Nakai, alumnus of IIM Banglore shared about impact of data on a country. He inspired volunteers through data management. He discussed about problems in India like over population, lack of drinking water and unemployment through data. He compared India to its neighbours like China and Sri Lanka to draw a comparison.