Thursday, March 13

Korel, 26.12.19

                Three cases i.e. FIR No. 211,212,213 Dt. 24.12.2019 U/s 420,120B IPC, PS-Maloya have been registered on the Public Window Complaints No. PW201906820, PW2019017527 and PW201919443 for cheating through ATM located in various areas of this Police Station Maloya.

               During the investigation of the said case two accused, namely Vinay S/o Sh. Sohan Singh R/o #1530, DMC UT Chandigarh age-26 (+2 pass) years and Ajay Ghalwot S/o Rajesh Ghalwot R/o #2033, DMC UT Chandigarh age-26 years (B.A 1st year pass) have been arrested on the secret information. Preliminary interrogation reveled that they have done 50 such incidents in tricity. Both the accused are drug addict. They used the modus operandi to put the quick fix on the cancel operating button of ATM machine and wait for victim/person to use the ATM to withdraw the amount. The person put all formalities in the machine but the operating button could not lifted up after one time press and transaction delays.  Another one modus operandi, they usually exchange the ATM Card of the ATM users and latter on withdrew the full amount through ATM Card from the account. The alleged amount in 7 complaints have been recovered from the possession of both accused. The accused have been identified by the victim. The role of accused has been captured in the CCTV Camera installed in the vicinity of area too. A few more their gang members has been identified whom police is trying to nab and more cases can be solved and till  dated 26.12.19 are in Police custody.