Friday, March 14

Korel, Chandigarh, December 20, 2019

            Silver Jubilee Reunion of UBS Batch 1992-1994 was held in the Auditorium of the Department of Evening Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh. Anil Kumar, Executive Director, Shreyans Industries Limited was the Chief Guest. Mr Bhushan Goyal, Punjab Agro Juices Ltd; Mr Ajay Chagti, IAS, Secretary, Government of Delhi; Mr Lalit Prakash, Senior Vice President, HDFC Bank were Guest(s) of Honour. Professor Deepak Kapur, Chairperson-UBS delivered his address. The Chairperson-UBS along with UBS Faculty and UBS Alumni Relations Faculty presented mementos to the Batch of 1994. The event was followed by Lunch in the ground opposite Arts Block-3. In the afternoon, outdoor activities were organised in the UBS Lawns.