Saturday, March 15

Korel,Chandigarh November 27, 2019

            University Institute of Applied Management Science (UIAMS), Panjab University inaugurated one week Short Term Course on Research Methodology. The course will be conducted from 27th November – 3rd December 2019. Thirty-five faculty members and research scholars from various institutions joined the course. The course intends to hone the skills of the participants for practical application of various statistical tools frequently used for solving research problems.

            Prof Raj Kumar, Vice Chancellor, Panjab University addressed the participants and highlighted the importance of selection of research problem, selection of good institution and selection of appropriate supervisor for conducting good research work. He appreciated the theme of the programme and congratulated UIAMS for conducting the same.

            Prof. Sanjay Kaushik, Dean College Development Council, Panjab University emphasised upon meaningful research. He highlighted the importance of formulation of right objectives and selection of appropriate methodology to attain the same. Prof. Upasna Joshi Sethi, Director, UIAMS welcomed the participants and apprised them about the course structure. The dignitaries wished all success to the participants and organisers.