Saturday, March 15

Korel, CHANDIGARH – 27/11

A path breaking initiative in bringing quality improvement in learning levels of children

Chandigarh, 27 November,2019. A Booklet containing details about the Project ‘Phoenix’ which is already implemented in the Government schools of UT, Chandigarh was released by Sh.V.P.Badnore, Administrator UT, Chandigarh and Governor Of Punjab  at Raj Bhawan, UT, Chandigarh. This booklet will be helpful for any institution/teacher/student in any part of the country for understanding the project.

The Project ‘Phoenix’ was conceived, developed and was launched by Secretary Education, Sh. B.L. Sharma on 5th October, 2018 to improve the quality of School Education and to bring necessary improvement in the learning levels of all children studying at Elementary level. Through the Project , the Department is able to track each and every learning outcome in respect of every subject in relation to each student.

The Project is aimed at the application of appropriate and innovative pedagogies during teaching learning process. The experts from the Department of Education devised the Progress Sheet which is the bedrock of the project. Thirty Three handbooks with multiple choice and open ended questions were designed in the month of September, 2018 for all the subjects at Elementary level i.e.  03 books each, for class I & II, 04 books each for class III to V and 05 books each for class VI to VIII to assess the learning levels of the students for classes I to VIII. The Handbooks are helpful for teachers as these handbooks provide detail/illustration of the processes /methodologies that can be followed by the subject teachers for specific topics.

Furthermore, A Web Application has also been developed for leveraging technology in implementation of the project which enables the teachers , Principals and senior functionaries of the department to access and view the learning outcomes of  each and every students, of each and every section/class and of each and every school on the click of the button.