Sunday, March 16

Chandigarh November 21, 2019

“Urdu is a language of Hindus and Sikhs and this fact should be given adequate space is the history of Urdu language and its literature”, said Prof. Zia-ur-RehmanSiddiqui from Aligarh Muslim University while delivering a special lecture on the development of Urdu language organized by Department of Urdu, Panjab University Chandigarh

Dr.Siddiqui said that Guru Nanak DevJi preached his holy message in a language of the people which included a number of words from Arabic and Persian languages.He added that Bhartendu Harish Chander, MunshiHarsukhlal, MunshiPrem Chand, Munshi Naval Kishore, KanwarRajinder Singh Bedi and many others had contributed immensely for the promotion of Urdu in India. He laid stress on the promotion of translation work from Panjabi and Hindi and vice-versa.

 On this occasion three books written by Dr. Ali Abbas, Coordinator of the department of Urdu were also released.Dr. Ali Abbas lauded the creative activities of Dr.Siddiqui, who started his teaching career from the Department of Urdu, Panjab University, some 20years back, Among others Dr, Zarreen Fatima  from Department of Urdu and Mr  JatinderParvaz from  the Haryana Urdu Academy  were also present.