Sunday, March 16

Chandigarh November 21, 2019

Prof. Krishna Kumar, Padma Shri, Former Director NCERT, Honorary Professor, Department of Education, Panjab University, Chandigarhemphasised the need of writings and drafting of the writing again and again to make it publishable, at the inaugural session of 2 days National Seminar cum Workshop on Academic Writings: Addressing the contemporary challenges” organized by Department of Education, here today.

He mentioned   the detailed processes and the importance of academic writings in communicating our ideas. He showed his concern on the declining quality of publications in the present day.   He emphasised that writing is an expression of thought where one has to actively understand reach to the mind of the reader.

Prof. Shankar jiJha  DeanUniversity Instructions and officiating Vice Chancellorin his address said that  interdisciplinary research is need of the hour and expressed his concern  that Sanskrit has been neglected and needs to be bought to mainstream research area. He also mentioned that scholarly articles are the bridge to express our heritage and modern work.

Professor Lakhwinder Singh, Professor of Economics, Punjabi University, Patiala discussed that, to become a successful writer, the two lessons he learnt   that writing first line is the most difficult and right timing is very important for a writer to get his articles published. He extensively talked about the new era of knowledge economy where education has been transformed from being a public good to commercial/private good thus, has to a large extent been a stumble block in learning.  

Earliler, Dr.KuldeepKaur, Associate Professor, gave a brief introduction for the program and highlighted the various challenges associated with academic writing.

Prof. Latika Sharma, Chairperson, Department of Education, Panjab University paid gratitude to CALEM for bringing together the educationists of high repute for sharing their knowledge.

Prof.SatvinderpalKaur, program coordinator Department of Education introduced the theme of the program explaining the purpose and objectives of the two days.

Panel discussion on Contemporary Challenges before Academic writers was chaired by Professor KuldipPuri, USOL, Panjab University, Chandigarh. Professor Devinder Singh, Department of Law, Panjab University, Chandigarh discussed the issues of Plagiarism and Academic Integrity.