Sunday, March 16

Chandigarh November 7, 2019

                            The special issue of Panjab University Research Journal Social Sciences (PURJSS) on the theme of ‘Discourse of Citizenship in Contemporary India’ was released by Prof Raj Kumar, Vice Chancellor, Panjab University, here today. He appreciated the efforts of editorial team.

            Out of 30 papers presented in VIII Chandigarh Social Science Congress (CHASSCONG) March 2018 on the theme, nine papers presented by research scholars across the disciplines of humanities and languages have been published after double blind peer review under the editorship of Prof. Pampa Mukherjee, Department of Political Science and Prof Archana R. Singh,  School of Communication Studies.

            Prof. Akshaya Kumar of the Department of English and Cultural Studies, has guest-edited the journal. The papers address diverse range of issues related to citizenship in the volatile contexts of globalization, climate change, nationalism, colonialism, trans-national migrations, subaltern politics and human rights. The paper-writers have drawn their research insights from fieldwork as well as from various sources of literature and arts.  The journal bridges the gap between social sciences and literary studies to flag complex tensions of contemporary citizenship.

            This is for the first time that the selected papers presented in CHASSCONG have been published by the University. Apart from the Editors of the Journal, others present during the release included Prof Karamjeet Singh, Registrar, Prof Sanjay Kaushik, Director ICSSR & Dean College Development Council, Prof Renu Thakur, Editor PURJSS and Mr. Vikram Nayyar, Finance & Development Officer.