Sunday, March 16

Chandigarh November 7, 2019

              It is for the information of the general public and students of Panjab University Teaching Departments/Colleges in particular that result of the following examinations have been declared:-

  1. BHMS Ist Prof. September , 2019
  2. BHMS 3rd Prof. September , 2019
  3. BHMS 2ndProf. (Re-appear)  September , 2019
  4. B.Voc. Retail Management 5th Sem. September, 2019 (Special Chance)
  5. B.Voc. Retail Management 6th Sem. September, 2019 (Special Chance)
  6. B.Voc. Food Science & Technology 3rd Sem. September, 2019(Special Chance)
  7. Post Graduate Diploma in International Business 2nd Sem. September, 2019 (Special Chance)

                     The students are advised to see their result in their respective Departments/Colleges/University website.