DATED 23.10.2019
Today, i.e. on 23.10.2019 a workshop on Inner Wellness Programs “Discover Wellness” was organized at Multi Media Centre, Recruit Training Centre (RTC) , Sector-26, Chandigarh under the guidance of Shri Sanjay Baniwal, I.P.S., D.G.P., U.T., Chandigarh and under the supervision of Sh. Manoj Kumar Meena, I.P.S., S.P. HQ & Training. Sh. Vineet Kumar, I.P.S., SP/Operation & City, Sh. Roshan Lal, C.P.S., SP/Communication including all Dy. SPs and SHOs’ have attended this workshop.

During the workshop, Smt. Madhu Pandit, Wellness Coach of Inner Wellness Company, Sector-8B, Chandigarh delivered the lecture to the participants regarding, how to handle day to day stress level and challenges which we all faces at our workplace and shall help in implementation of positive thinking in spite of challenges, towards the smooth achievement of individual and collective goals. Many activities and Yoga Aasans were held to keep the inner soul happy. She further ensured that this workshop will reform the mindset and thinking of the officers and make them more productive as well as cheerful beings.
The objective of the workshop was to empower the officers/officials of Chandigarh Police to handle higher stress of long working hours and constant multitasking. It included Pranayam, Dhyan and different dimension of wellness like physical, mental and emotional. It is important for everyone to achieve optimal wellness in order to subdue stress, reduce the risk of illness and ensure positive interactions, with proper way of meditation. The main object of this workshop was to satisfy body, mind & soul, which result 100% concentration and focus on daily routine challenges in personal and professional life and to make the positive environment for workplace.
Issued by
Chandigarh Police