Sunday, March 16

Chandigarh October 18, 2019

            Prof. Sanjay Chhibber, who has four decades of teaching and research experience at Panjab University was conferred “Life time Devotion Award” for his contribution in the field by Microbiologists Society of India during one day symposium on “Innovative approaches in Microbial biotechnology” organized by the Department. The society honors scientists every year and Prof. Sanjay Chhibber was selected for this year’s award from North India.

            Prof. Chhibber is a renowned scientist who has made immense contribution in the field of Medical Microbiology. His work involves understanding of host–parasite interactions in terms of bacterial virulence. At present his laboratory is engaged in finding alternate strategies to curb rising antimicrobial resistance in bacteria, in case bacteria fails to respond to available antibiotics. His work on bacteriophage therapy, where he uses phages as an antibacterial agent with or without antibiotics, has received the attention of scientist, the world over. He has published this work in national and international journals and has patents in this area. The other strategies being explored include anti quorum quenching agents, phytochemicals and immunological means to tackle drug resistance.