Sunday, March 16

Chandigarh October 16, 2019

          Panjab University (PU) Syndicate in its meeting today took up all the Agenda Items. At the outset, the Syndicate put on record the exemplary services of Prof. D.V.S. Jain, Professor Emeritus and former Fellow who passed away on October 6, 2019. He was a great asset for PU and was unanimously felt that the PU Academic Fraternity has lost a legendary Scientist and a Guide.

            The Syndicate approved the revised Budget Estimates of Rs. 564.52 crore for the fiscal year 2019-20 and also approved the Budget Estimates for the year 2020-21 of Rs. 586.28 crore.

            The Syndicate discussed in detail about the condonation of delay in submission of thesis by certain Ph.D. After approving the item, it was decided that extension should not be given beyond 8 years and a circular be issued to all departments to clear all pending Ph.D within months after which, no extension beyond 8 years will be given.

            The Syndicate approved MoU between PU and ICMR Centre for Innovation and Bio Design (CIBioD), PGIMER, Chandigarh for recognizing the importance of research and development, innovation and training in the areas related to medical devices, instruments, affordable healthcare, bio design and other allied areas and facilitate innovation land deployment of solutions.  

            The Syndicate approved rental charges for the Galleries and Courtyard in the Museum of Fine Arts, PU. The Exhibitor will be charged Rs. 500/- per day per gallery and the rent will be minimum period of 4 days. Further, a minimum charge of Rs. 500/- per day will be charged from the Exhibitors for using the courtyard of the Museum of Fine Arts, which can be used only by the exhibitors who had rented the Museum Galleries for their Art Exhibition. The Courtyard would not be rented for any other purpose. Additional refundable deposit of Rs. 5000/- will be required by the Exhibitor to be submitted at the time of booking of the Art Gallery.

With regard to appointment on Principal on contract basis in Constituent Colleges as well as in Affiliated Colleges, the decision of the Syndicate dated 18.5.2014(Para 45) stands rescinded with immediate effect. Now, henceforth, all Principals shall retire at the age of 60 years. However, already appointed and covered in the said Rule will continue.

            The Syndicate approved the recommendations of the Committee for increasing the number of PU Ph.D Scholarships/Fellowships from 20 to 40 keeping in view the large number of teaching departments of PU.