Monday, March 17

DATE: 11/10/2019

MadhuAnand, Panchkula candidate of Swaraj India, interacted with various women of group housing societies such as 2,3,7, 10, and 23 in Mansa Devi Complex (MDC). While different issues such as women safety, drug abuse, public parks, stray dogs, and civic amenities were broadly discussed, unemployment was the major concern of almost everyone.

Job opportunities and unemployment woes continue to trouble citizens of Panchkula. A woman said that lack of confidence is the undercurrent amidst youth. Competition ratio for government opportunities is getting imbalanced by the minute and private company offices are located far off due to lack of appropriate planning.

Safety of women and senior citizens is yet another leading issue in the region. Citing incidents such as the absence of a police beat box in sector 5, another woman stated that the lack of regular police patrolling has made it difficult for women to access certain areas after sundown. This can further be attributed to the rising problem of alcohol and drug abuse in public places – another security threat.

Revealing the reality behind public facilities, people expressed that the parks are in dilapidated conditions. Instead of improving the environment and scenic beauty, the constant collection of garbage and no park maintenance protocol, various localities are prone to an entire gamut of diseases.

MadhuAnand said that Panchkula is still suffering from prolonged public issues such as increasing stray dogs, unmaintained parks, potholes and broken roads. The state government has turned a blind eye toward the regular public grievances and it has come down to the level that even the basic civic amenities are missing.

It is expected that the upcoming state elections could hold the key for the improvement of current scenario.