Friday, March 14

Korel, CHANDIGARH – 26.09.2019

One arrested for possessing illegal liquor

Chandigarh Police arrested Amit Kumar R/o # 15/B, Sunder Nagar, EWS Colony, Part-2, Mauli Jagran, Chandigarh while he was illegally possessing 65 quarters of country made liquor near main road, Kabadi Market, Makhan Majra, Chandigarh on 25.09.2019. A case FIR No. 174, U/S 61-1-14 Excise Act has been registered in PS-Mauli Jagran, Chandigarh. Later he was bailed out. Investigation of the case is in progress.

Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust

          A case FIR No. 228, U/S 406, 420 IPC has been registered in PS-26, Chandigarh on the complaint of Amrit Lal R/o # 711/6, BDC, Sector-26, Chandigarh who alleged that he purchase old vehicle Honda CRV bearing CH-01-AY-9217 from Mohd. Wasim R/o # 1452, Sector-29/B, Chandigarh and given payment of Rs. 3.90 lakh and documents to alleged person. But alleged person did not delivered the vehicle. Investigation of case is in progress.

          A case FIR No. 335, U/S 420 IPC has been registered in PS-39, Chandigarh on the complaint of K.N. Pathak R/o # 382, Sector-38/A, Chandigarh who reported that unknown person sent message regarding installation of jio tower. Complainant approached them and sent his documents through whatsapp number for installation of jio tower at his native land i.e. Village Baragoan, Distt Sant Ravi Dass Nagar Bhadohi (UP). Later complainant received message that his file for installation tower has been successfully verified and complainant needs to deposit Rs. 14,313/- at Canara bank account number in the name of Reliance Jio Infocom. When complainant enquired about said account it was found in the name of some other person. Investigation of case is in progress.


A lady resident of Sector 27, Chandigarh reported that unknown person stole away gold/diamond jewelry and cash Rs 15,000/- from his purse lying in bed at ground floor of his residence on 25.09.2019. A case FIR No. 229, U/S 380 IPC has been registered in PS-26, Chandigarh. Investigation of case is in progress.

Kamal Kishore Batra R/o # 326, Sector 15A, Chandigarh reported that unknown person stolen away complainant’s I-phone lying at bench at Sai Baba Mandir, Sector 29, Chandigarh on 25.09.2019. A case FIR No. 264, U/S 379 IPC has been registered in PS-Ind. Area, Chandigarh. Investigation of case is in progress.

Sandeep Kumar R/o T-83B, Railway Colony, Mauli Jagran,, Chandigarh reported that unknown person stole away one LED, one camera, two wrist watches and cash Rs 1,40,000/- from complainant’s house on 24.09.2019. A case FIR No. 173, U/S 380 IPC has been registered in PS-Mauli Jagran, Chandigarh. Investigation of case is in progress.


A person resident of Colony No. 4, Chandigarh reported that his son age about 8 years was playing near wine shop, Colony No.4, Chandigarh on 25-09-2019 and missing since then. A case FIR No. 263, U/S 363 IPC has been registered in PS-Ind. Area, Chandigarh. Investigation of the case is in progress.

MV Theft

Deepak Agrahari R/o # 1841, Village-Burail, Chandigarh reported that unknown person stole away his Splendor Plus M/Cycle No. CH01BJ5476 parked in front of his house on the night intervening 10/11-09-2019. A case FIR No. 243, U/S 379 IPC has been registered in PS-34, Chandigarh. Investigation of case is in progress.

Chankit Kajal R/o # 2567, Sector-40/C, Chandigarh reported that unknown person stole away his Yamaha R15 M/Cycle No. HR33B7308  parked near his house on the night intervening 22/23-09-2019. A case FIR No. 336, U/S 379 IPC has been registered in PS-39, Chandigarh. Investigation of case is in progress.


          A case FIR No. 244, U/S 379, 356 IPC has been registered in PS-34, Chandigarh on the complaint of a lady who reported that she was returning from market Sector 33, Chandigarh by foot when she reached near her house i.e. # 1344, Sector 33C, Chandigarh in the meantime one unknown person on motorcycle snatched away her hand bag containing advocate coat, two mobile phones, some document & keys on 25.09.2019. Investigation of the case is in progress.