Under the aegis of Haryana State Legal Services Authority and on the directions of Subhas Mehla, learned District & Sessions Judge-cum-Chairman, District Legal Services Authority, Panchkula a Special Legal Literacy Camp for the officials at Grass Root Level was organized in the Conference Hall, DC Office, Sector-1, Panchkula by District Legal Services Authority, Panchkula.

Vivek Goyal, Chief Judicial Magistrate-cum-Secretary, District Legal Services Authority, Panchkula sensitized the officials regarding free legal services and made the gathering aware about Water Conservation, Mediation and Conciliation, Environment Protection/Animal Rights and Free Legal Services.
Aaru Vashisht, WCDPO, Women and Child Department, Panchkula sensitized the Anganwadi Workers and Asha workers to carry out activities to identity the children in need of care and protection so that the said children can be integrated with the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) an Indian Government Welfare programme which provides food, pre-school education and primary healthcare to children under 6 years of age and their mothers. She also sensitized them about POSHAN Campaign for nutritious diet for mothers and children.
Manbir Rathi, Panel Advocate addressed the gathering on the various acts and schemes of Haryana State Legal Services Authority i.e. NALSA (Legal Services to Senior Citizens) Scheme, 2015, NALSA (Legal Services to the victim of Drug Abuse and Eradication of Drug Menance), NALSA (Victims of Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation) Scheme, 2015. He also apprised the gathering about the POCSO Act.
Thereafter, Piyush Mittal, Panel Advocate apprised the gathering about the NALSA (Legal Services to Victims of Acid Attacks) Scheme, 2016, NALSA(Legal Services to the Mentally Ill and Disabled Persons) Scheme, 2015 and Living Stars-Campaign for special Children.
Yagya Dutt Sharma, Panel Advocate addressed the gathering on the topic of PCPNDT Act, Domestic Violence Act, Law on Maintenance and Women related laws.
All the participants were further sensitized that since all of them work at grass-root level and have direct connection with the people, they need to work in co-operation with each other so that the legal services as well as welfare schemes could be made available to larger group of public. The gathering was also told about various legal services like Lok Adalats, the Working of Front Office and Legal Care and Support Centre established in various sectors and villages. The said camp was attended by Anganwadi Workers and Asha workers of the district.