Saturday, March 15

Korel, Chandigarh September 20, 2019

            Mahatma Gandhi Peace Club of Institute of Educational Technology and Vocational Education, Panjab University today celebrated International Day of Peace on the Theme: “Climate Action for Peace”. Celebrations started with tree plantation in the institute with a aim to cherish what the environment provides us would be the exact way for us to live peacefully and in harmony with our precious environment . Each student adopted one plant to make this world a greener place, to help in nurturing it to life and being responsible for its growth. Students recited poems, gave speeches, presentations and presented skits highlighting the different aspects of climate changes occurring across the World.

            Dr. Kanwalpreet Kaur, Chairperson, IETVE appreciated the efforts of the students and said “a peaceful society is one where there is harmony between the different institutions and equal opportunities for everyone. Peace will enable a sustainable environment to take shape and a sustainable environment will help promote peace”.