Wednesday, March 12

Korel, Chandigarh, 20th September, 2019: 

Union Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan in a communication to HE Governor Punjab cum Administrator UT Chandigarh has appreciated the goal oriented approach of Health Department, Chandigarh.

 In an effort to move towards a Results Based Financing in health sector and to promote a culture that rewards good performance, and encourages health sector reforms Conditionalities have been introduced under National Health Mission (NHM). These are a set of pre-decided indicators which when achieved earn incentives and in case of non- achievement leads to penalty wherein the State loses a part of its resource envelope.

The conditionalities for 2018-19 have shown an Improved performance as per NITI Aayog’s State Index report 2018 for indicators like Operationalizing Health and Wellness Centres (AB-HWCs), covering districts under National Mental Health Program, screening of 30+ populations for Non Communicable Disease (NCD), implementing Human Resources Information System (HRIS) and improving functioning of Primary Health Centres in rural as well as urban areas. Owing to its performance UT Chandigarh has earned funds over and above the assured resource envelope of 2019-20.The Union Health Minister has lauded the efforts of Chandigarh Administration and entire health team working in health sector for this effort.