Saturday, March 15

Korel, Chandigarh September 20, 2019

            A Blood Donation Camp was organised by the Panjab University Teachers’ Association (PUTA) and Students Central Association (Evening Studies) at Department of Evening Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh, which evoked a very enthusiastic response from the donors.

            The prominent donors included Dr. Neeraj Aggarwal, University Institute Of Hotel And Tourism Management and member of PUTA Executive. Approximately 150 persons donated blood. Students showed a lot of enthusiasm in the event. 151 units of Blood was collected during the camp.

            Professor R.K. Singla, Dean Research was the Chief Guest on the occassin to bless the donors. Professor Rajesh Gill, President PUTA encouraged the students and appreciated the excellent work done by SCA-DES President Harkirat Singh and Secretary Balraj Singh. Professor Gurpal Singh, Chairperson, DES-MDRC thanked the donors who came forward to contribute to the noble cause.