Chandigarh September 16, 2019
Professor Suresh Sharma from the Department of Statistics, Panjab University, Chandigarh has been invited to conduct a special workshop on ‘Medical Statistics’ by International Medical Olympiad Association, Greece during the 5th International Medical Olympiad Conference to be held at Thessaloniki, Greece from October 3-6, 2019. He was inducted as Statistical Advisor by the association in 2017. His recent book on “Medical Statistics”, will also be released by International Medical Olympiad.
During this workshop, he will focus on Sample size calculations in Medical Research, Nuclear Counting Statistics, Randomization Techniques, Predictive modelling, and Advanced Statistical Methods in Gnetic studies. His team has also developed two websites (i) CancerPDF, and (ii) Dis-Face. CancerPDF is a database of Cancer-associated peptides found in different human body fluids (e.g., serum, urine, plasma and saliva) and it covers 30 different types of human cancers. One of the major application of this
database is to identify peptide-based Cancer Biomarkers. Dis-Face is a Database of Human Facial Disorders and is concerned with how to develop full face from half face, using bioinformatics approach. Besides this, he is also working on 6 other projects in collaboration with PGIMER and GMCH, Chandigarh.
Prof. Sharma is a renowned Biostatistician with more than 100 research publications in National/International journals of repute. He has many awards to his credit, Best Research Award (AIIMS, New Delhi), Jacob Wolfowitz Award 2003, USA, S.G. Gaur Award etc. Recently, Professor Sharma has been appointed as member of the Board of Directors of London School of Management education (LSME), UK.
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