Saturday, March 15

Chandigarh September 13, 2019

The three-weeks in-service faculty training programme- 123rd Orientationcourse sponsored by the University Grants Commission and conducted by theHuman Resource Development Centre, Panjab University, held a special lecture by Prof. BrijKishore Kuthiala, Chairperson of Haryana Higher Education Council, formerVice Chancellor of  MakhanlalChaturvedi National University of Journalism& Communication, Bhopal, a popular teacher, practitioner and researcher inthe field of journalism and media.

Prof. Kuthialaspoke on ‘Ecosystem of a Teacher in Higher Education-Present and Future. The interaction mainly focused on the natural andinherent advantages of being a teacher in India, the perception of ateacher in the minds of stakeholders of higher education in particular andthe society in general and also about the self-image of the teacher. Thespeaker emphasized that by virtue of being Indian, growing up in a diverseand democratic country, being seeped in its culture and tradition, ourstudents get hardwired for being innovative, hardworking, and sincere. Theydevelop effective crisis management skills too. He exhorted the teachers towork on these aspects of our external ecosystem to develop an internalecosystem which is optimistic, positive and effective. He said teachersmust appreciate the image of a teacher in the society, which is that of atrustworthy, respectable, knowledgeable and wise person. It was alsohighlighted that contributing or paying back to the society is also one ofthe teacher’s duty in addition to classroom teaching and research.

Participants which included to newly inculcated faculty of different colleges anduniversities in Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh andChandigarh,interacted with the resource persons with their queries andcomments and most of them were of the view that the session has given thema different and positive perspective regarding the role of the teacher andexpectations of the society from a teacher. Prof S.K.Tomar,Director-UGC-HRDC, presented the vote of thanks.