The meeting of All India Punjab & Sind Bank Officer’s Union (Regd.) was called in a short notice under the leadership of its All India President Sh. G.S. Khera on 4th August, 2019, at Hotel Royal Castle, Zirakpur, near Chandigarh. The meeting was impressively attended by Officers and the Senior Leaders of AIBOC who participated in the gathering.

Mr. T.S. Saggu, State Secretary AIBOC Tricity Chandigarh from State Bank of India congratulated PSB Officers Union activists for the good gathering and appraised the latest status of wage revision Mr. Lalit Arora, General Secretory, Haryana State Unit AIBOC assured the members of AIPSBOU that AIBOC will go to any extent in getting them justice.
Mr. Khera criticized the Management of Punjab & Sind Bank for surrendering to the ill-designs of the rival union, which earlier directed the Officers not to buy the ESPS Scheme and later called the management of Punjab & Sind Bank “Corrupt & Badmash”. It is a matter of regret that the management succumbed to their pressure and accepted the label and very obnoxiously adjusted the leaders of Officers Federation and changed their transfers at stone throw away places in spite of their longer stay in the Zones whereas the others were sent to 200-300 kilometers away even if they had lot of compassions. With the connivance of so called majority union, the management violated the policy passed by the Board. Now, as there is a lot of disparity and injustice for which we shall fight tooth and nail. He further assured that the leadership of AIBOC will also participate in the struggle along with PSBians. Mr. Khera said that the management is protecting corrupts but is not Badmash as it easily surrendered to a very small unethical issue of agitation of Officers Federation.

The Union leader Mr. Sandip Panwar, Mr. Balwinder Singh, Mr. Bhupinder Singh, and Mr. Sumeet Anandthanked Officers who attended on short notice and also assured parity and justice to our members if they remain united and did not bother about the rumour mongers.