Thursday, March 13

Korel, Chandigarh July 4, 2019

The inaugural function of the three day workshop on Waste water treatment: Approaches, Management and Capacity building” organized by Department of SAIF/CIL, Panjab University, Chandigarh in joint collaborative effort of PU and University Of Hull, UK. Prof. S. K. Mehta, Director, SAIF/CIL, PU, the Indian Coordinator of the workshop delineated the main objectives of the workshop focussing on the approaches, methodology, management and capacity building for dealing with the waste water treatment processes. He presented the brief idea of the workshop alongwith highlighting the instrumentation facilities available at the SAIF/CIL, PU.

            The workshop was presided over by Guest of honour, Dr. S. K. Vasudeva, Scientific Consultant Defence technologies, Office of Principal Scientific Advisor to Govt. of India. He expressed his satisfaction over the idea of the workshop that is a current alarming issue. Moreover, he also shared the highlights of the Jal Shakti Abhiyan for water conservation and water security, a campaign initiated by the Govt. of India owing to motivation from our Honourable Prime Minister, Sh.Narendra Modi where the main focus will be on water stressed districts and blocks in India. The campaign will run through citizen participation. Dr.Vasudeva expressed his content that the workshop is fulfilling one of the purpose by involving academia, industry for creating awareness and dealing with the water reclamation issues.

            Prof. Devinder Mehta, Dean Sciences, PU welcomed the UK participants, representatives of academia and industry.

            Prof. S. S. Marwaha, Chairman, Punjab Pollution Control Board, also the Guest of Honour, explained the importance of accurate water sampling which is the backbone for the concept of the waste water treatment. Dr. P. Dalai (IFS) highlighted the need for a sensitive balance between the academia and the industry in dealing with the global problem of water scarcity.

            Prof. Alex o. Ibhadon, UK coordinator of the workshop stressed on the need for the awareness and the capacity building for the wastewater remediation applications. He also thanked the Indian Coordinator for the hospitality and organisation of the workshop.

            Mr.Atin, a representative of the British Council expressed his satisfaction over the organisation of the workshop and enquired the audience with the various fellowships and the grants/funding sponsored by the British Council on the various social causes.

            Prof. Gang Pan, Nottingham Trent University, UK presented a plenary lecture sharing his expertise on the ecological restoration and waste water remediation processes. He thanked the organisers for this opportunity.

            Additionally, among the workshop participants, the major proportion is constituted by the private National and International Companies viz., Smart Storm Pvt. Ltd. UK and Ecological Concepts Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.