Friday, March 14

Chandigarh, 3rd July 2019: 10th Meeting of Board of Director’s of Chandigarh Smart City Ltd. was held today under the Chairmanship of Sh. Manoj Kumar Parida, Advisor to the Administrator, U.T., Chandigarh. 

Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Chandigarh who is also Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Chandigarh Smart City Ltd. presented that as per SWM Rules, 2016, Municipal Corporation, Chandigarh and Chandigarh Smart City Ltd. will be setting up material recovery facilities and transfer stations at three locations near Public Health store, Industrial Area, Phase-I, Chandigarh, inside the Sewerage Treatment Plant at 3 BRD and adjoining the Solid Waste Treatment Plant in Sector-25 (West), Chandigarh at the cost of Rs. 32.27 Crores approximately.  These stations will serve to collect and compact the biodegradable or wet waste and for segregation of dry waste by door to door collectors.  

He further explained that the aim is to make the city bin free in a phased manner and to reduce the number of trips of small vehicles which are presently being used for transportation of all kind of waste to the plant site.  Municipal Corporation, Chandigarh will involve existing waste pickers in functioning of material recovery facilities in collection and recovery of reusable and recyclable solid waste for sale to recyclers directly to earn their livelihood.  The Board after detailed deliberations approved the DPR to comply with the SWM Rules, 2016 and Swachh Bharat Mission.  

The CEO, CSCL apprised the Board that due to revision of norms for treatment of Sewerage by the NGT on 30.04.2019 in which it was ordered by NGT to reduce the phosphors level in the effluent to less than 1mg/ltr. before it is discharged into the streams.  The cost of up-gradation of STP’s which has earlier been approved as Rs. 810.00 Crore has been enhanced to Rs. 854.00 Crore.  The Board approved the revised cost of DPR for argumentation and up-gradation of STP’s to meet the requirement of latest norms for discharge of treated effluent.

The Board also approved Digital advertisement for Public Bike sharing Project in Chandigarh.  The project aims to become country’s largest public bike sharing project with 5000 bikes located at 617 locations across the city.  CSCL Board also approved provision of E-Bikes as part of the project.  The decision has been taken, keeping in view, making cycling possible in all weathers including summers season.  Project will be implemented on PPP mode.  

The Board also approved construction of state of art building proposed in Citizen Facilitation Centre, Sector-17, Chandigarh to house.  Integrated Command and Control Central (ICCC), Police, Command and Control room and SCADA for Municipal Services.  ICCC will also integrate all the Command control centers of Utilities, ITMS and City Surveillance.  ICCC will provide a single point of contact for citizen services, supervision and administration of Utility Management and Governance framework for the Chandigarh city.  The buildings including the interiors and furnishings will have all the latest security features like CCTV and Building management services and will be constructed at an estimated cost of Rs. 46.00 Crores. The DPR will be placed in the Technical Committee meeting for its vetting before floating the tenders.

The CEO, CSCL, Chandigarh further approved the proposal of latest status of various works as the tenders for Rs. 256 Crores already stands uploaded to be received on 15.07.2019.  The Chairman directed to speed up the works.  The meeting ended with thanks to the Chair. 

 The other members who attended the meeting including Sh. Manoj Kumar Parida, IAS, Sh. Arun Kumar Gupta, IAS, Home Secretary,  Sh. Ajoy Kumar Sinha, IAS, Finance Secretary,  Sh. Jitender Yadav, Deputy Commissioner, Chandigarh, Sh. Mukesh Anand, Chief Engineer-cum-Special Secretary, U.T., Chandigarh, Sh. Manoj Kumar Bansal, Chief Engineer, MC, Chd., Sh. Kapil Setia, Chief Architect, UT, Chandigarh, Sh. Anil Kumar Garg, Additional Commission, MCC-cum-Additional CEO, CSCL and Sh. N.P. Sharma, General Manager (T&E), CSCL, Chandigarh.