Friday, March 14


                        Chandigarh Police achieved a major success by nabbing two accused namely Anil Vishavkarma S/o Sh. Ram Ashre R/o H.No.68, Partap Colony, Rajpura, Distt. Patiala, PB, Age-35 years and Rajiv S/o Late Ram Lal R/o H. no. 121, Kasturba Seva Mandir Patiala Road Rajpur, Distt-Patiala (PB) Age-23 years, who are involved in the theft incident of Reeva Jewellers at Sector-23, Chandigarh occurred on 14.06.2019. Owner of Reeva Jewellers namely Pintu Midda and Rupak Malik reported that on 13.06.2019 they closed their shop at 8.00 PM. Keys of the shop were with Pintu Midda. Next day at around 10.40 AM when he went to the shop, he found that the shutter of the shop was opened, locks of locker were also opened and gold jewellery & diamond items were missing. Accordingly on his complaint case FIR No.172 dated 14.06.2016 U/s 381 IPC, PS-17, Chandigarh has been registered.

                        During investigation CCTV footage were thoroughly checked and found that three persons came to shop in a Auto and committed theft at 5.30 AM on 14.06.19. The Auto number was not very much clear due to low picture quality of camera. However, the list of complete series of suspected numbers of Auto Rickshaw were obtained and scrutinized few numbers. Teams were sent to the addresses of all suspected scrutinized numbers of Auto Rickshaw and finally got the exact one. After cross questioning from the Auto driver it came to light that two accused persons were hired the said Auto from Sector-22/23 light point upto Zirakpur. When they sat in the Auto, they requested him to take them to Sector-23 market for a single minute work. Hence, Auto driver took them to Sector-23 market in-front of Reeva Jewellers shop. One accused went upstairs and came within few minutes with a bag. The driver dropped them to Zirakpur light point. When the Auto drive described about suspects, it apprehended that the accused might be related to the workers of Reeva Jewellers. On 27.06.19 accused has been arrested on the identification of Auto driver (one of the prime witness) and two gold type bangles affixed with Ruby type stones and numbers of diamond type stones were recovered from his possession. He also disclosed that he committed this crime with his associate Rajiv who is keeping the remaining stolen Jewellery items with him. On 27.06.19, co-accused Rajiv has also been arrested on the identification of Auto driver as well as complainant Sh. Pintu Midda and some gold ornaments recovered from his possession at the time of arrest and during further investigation today i.e. 28.06.19, accused Rajiv produced in the Hon’ble court and obtained one day police remand. During police remand remaining stolen jewellery items recovered on the disclosure of accused Rajiv. The detail of same is as under:- 

  1. 01 Gold piece (heavy) with one small piece
  2. 01 small Gold tree with small chain pieces
  3. 04 small diamonds pack
  4. 01 big gold tree
  5. 37 diamond/gold rings
  6. 02 diamonds/gold bangles
  7. 04 pieces of one gold/diamond bangles
  8. 04 silver color gold rings

Today i.e. 29.06.19, accused Rajiv produced in the Hon’ble court and sent to judicial custody for 14 days.