Saturday, March 15

Purnoor, Chandigarh June 11, 2019

Dr. Seema Kapoor, Professor at the Dr.SSB University Institute of
Chemical Engineering & Technology, Panjab University has been selected
for Distinguished Faculty in Engineering award in the 5th Faculty
Awards – VIFA 2019 based on the Expert Committee report and Apex
Committee recommendations. This award recognizes the extraordinary
teachers who have demonstrated excellence in engaging their students
in ‘Inspiring – Innovative – Path breaking’ ways to ignite their
potential. The theme of the award is “Celebrating Teaching as the
Noblest Profession in the World”. The award will be presented at 5th
Contemporary Academic Meet-CAM 2019 being convened by the Centre for
Advanced Research and Design (CARD) of Venus International Foundation
(VIF) at Chennai on 6th July, 2019. CAM helps in connecting, People to
People, People to Ideas, People with Markets and People with
Opportunity. It focuses on the future shape of higher education,
technological change and expectations of the next generation of

Various parameters considered for the award are: Patents
granted/filed, PhD students supervision, Project Grants, International
and National Conference/Workshop/Seminar/FDP  Conducted/Participated,
Articles in Journals, Papers Presented at Conferences (International
and National), Invited Talks and Special Lectures delivered,
Awards/Honours/Scholarships received, community services, etc.

Prof. Kapoor is thankful to ENACTUS India, an international non-profit
organization committed in using the power of entrepreneurial action to
improve the quality of life and standard of living for underprivileged
community, for giving her an opportunity to serve the socially and
economically deprived people by undertaking various
Social-Entrepreneurship projects under Enactus SSBUICET team.