Saturday, March 15

Purnoor, Chandigarh 08.06.2019

Thirty seven persons arrested while consuming liquor at public place

        In continuation of a special drive against consuming liquor at public place, yesterday, the drive was carried out at different parts of the city. Under this drive total 37 different cases U/S 68-1(B) Punjab Police Act 2007 & 510 IPC got registered in different police stations of Chandigarh in which total 37 persons were arrested while consuming liquor at public   place. All later on bailed out. The detail of police Stations in which cases U/S 68-1 (B) Punjab Police Act 2007 & 510 got registered:-PS-11= 04 cases, PS-17= 02 cases, PS-Sarangpur= 02 cases, PS-19= 02 cases, PS-Indst. Area= 03 cases, PS-Manimajra= 04 cases, PS-IT Park= 01 case, PS-Mauli Jagran= 03 cases, PS-31= 03 cases, PS-34= 04 cases, PS-36= 05 cases, PS- Maloya= 04 cases.

This drive will be continuing in future, the general public is requested for not breaking the law.

Action against Gambling/Satta

          Chandigarh Police arrested Amarjit R/o 3 759, Sector- 38 West, Chandigarh and Ajit R/o # 78, Adarsh Nagar, Naya Gaon, Distt.- Mohali, Punjab while they were gambling near Park, Sector- 22, Chandigarh on 07.06.2019. Total cash Rs. 12,490/- was recovered from their possession. In this regard, a case FIR No. 155, U/S 13-3-67 Gambling Act has been registered in PS-17, Chandigarh. Investigation of the case is in progress.

Escape from custody

A case FIR No. 73 U/s 223, 224 IPC has been registered in PS-Manimajra, Chandigarh against C. Sukhpal Singh 4102/CP, PS-Mani Majra, Chandigarh and Mohd.Saleem S/o Jalil Ahmed R/o # Vill Mandoli Dist. Sambhal, UP (age 29 yrs). The accused person namely Mohd. Saleem S/o Jalil Ahmed R/o # Vill- Mandoli, Dist.- Sambhal, UP brought on production warrant from model jail Burail (Who was confined in Model Jail Burail in FIR no.50 dated 7.4.19 u/s 379, 411 IPC, FIR No.49 dated 7.4.19 u/s 379, 380 add 411 IPC PS 19 CHD) on 2 days police remand obtained from the Court of Sh. Kushal Singla, JMIC, Chandigarh in case FIR No. 68 dt. 26.5.19 U/s 380 IPC, PS-MM, Chandigarh. On the intervening night of 06/07.06.2019 above said accused manage to fled away from lockup after spoofing the night santry Constable Sukhpal 4102/CP. Investigation of the case is in progress.


A case FIR No. 166 U/s 420, 120/B IPC has been registered in PS- 31, Chandigarh on the complaint of Dinesh Bisht, Chief Office Superintendent, Railway Recruitment Board, Railway Colony, Chandigarh against unknown persons who cheated in recruitment exam conducted at Plot No. 152, Rainbow Web World, Indst. Area, Phase-2, Chandigarh. RRB received a mail from a candidate’s Email ID regarding Rainbow Web World, Plot No. 152, Industrial Area, Phase-II, Chandigarh. The mail was about the Invigilator helping the candidate by supplying the answer. This mail was noticed by RRB, Chandigarh on 26-05-2019 morning when Control staff was on Control duty at RRB Office. The matter was reported to Dy. Secretary, RRB, Chandigarh immediately and he asked the staff to consult the exam conducting agency to provide the CCTV footage. While watching the footage found some suspicious movement by Invigilators. The footage was brought to RRB office and watched closely to establish the case. After watching the footage it seems that surely a malpractice was going on at the centre. The in investigation of the case is in progress.


A case FIR No. 153, U/S 279, 337 IPC has been registered in PS-17, Chandigarh on the statement of Raman R/o # 1319, Sector- 25, Chandigarh against driver of motor cycle No. CH-01BC-5648 who hit to pedestrian person namely Jaitram near Sector- 16/23 dividing road, Chandigarh, on 02.06.2019. Pedestrian person namely Jaitram Ram R/o # 70 near Gugga Madi, Village- Dhanas, Chandigarh got injured and admitted in PGI, Chandigarh. Later on one person namely Amandeep R/o # 947, H.B Flats, Village- Dhanas, Chandigarh has been arrested in this case. Accused arrested and bailed out. Investigation of the case is in progress.

A case FIR No. 116, U/S 279, 337 IPC has been registered in PS-36, Chandigarh on the statement of Rajinder ghai R/o # 1232, Sector- 43/B, Chandigarh against driver of motor cycle No. HR-54E-9214 namely Rohit R/o village- Kalpi, Distt.- Ambala, Haryana who hit to complainant (pedestrian) near Sector- 34/35 dividing road, Chandigarh, on 06.06.2019. Complainant got injured and admitted in GMCH-32, Chandigarh. Investigation of the case is in progress.

MV Theft

Abhinav R/o # 2304, Sector- 22/C, Chandigarh reported that unknown person stolen away complainant’s motor cycle No. PB-06Q-4575 while parked near SCO No. 1039, Sector- 22, Chandigarh on 25.05.2019. A case FIR No. 154, U/S 379 IPC has been registered in PS-17, Chandigarh. Investigation of the case is in progress.

Shakti Kumar R/o # 336, Village- Maloya, Chandigarh reported that unknown person stolen away complainant’s activa scooter No. CH-01BT-0644 from market, Sector- 40/D, Chandigarh on 02.06.2019. A case FIR No. 157, U/S 379 IPC has been registered in PS-39, Chandigarh. Investigation of the case is in progress.


Suresh Kumar R/o # 713, Sector- 36/B, Chandigarh reported that unknown person stolen away complainant’s bicycle while parked near Nirman Thetre, Sector- 32, Chandigarh on 25.05.2019. A case FIR No. 131, U/S 379 IPC has been registered in PS-34, Chandigarh. Investigation of the case is in progress.


A person resident of village- Khuda Alisher, Chandigarh, reported that his daughter age about 12 years and her friend age about 11 years have been missing from near complainant’s residence on 06.06.2019. A case FIR No. 93, U/S 363 IPC has been registered in PS-11, Chandigarh. Later missing girls were traced out. Investigation of the case is in progress.