Tuesday, March 11

Purnoor, Chandigarh May 24, 2019

            The fifth day of the seven days National workshop on Qualitative Research Methods in Social Sciences organised by Centre for Academic Leadership & Education Management (CALEM), Department of Education, Panjab University, Chandigarh focused on various techniques of qualitative research and the data analysis process involved in it.

            The first session started with an interactive session by Prof. Narender Kumar from JNU, New Delhi on discourse  and content analysis with focus on Exclusion Equity and Social justice where the speaker developed quite profoundly, on the nuances that differentiate discourse analysis from content analysis. He dwelled further comprehensively on the scope and steps of both methods to be pursued by the researchers.

            The followed two sessions of the day were taken by Prof. Sudarshan C. Panigrahi from MS University, Baroda where he clarified the fundamental differences underlying the ontological and epistemological assumptions of qualitative and quantitative research that leads to distinct views of reality. In the last session he explicated with examples on data analysis techniques specifically in social sciences.

            The sessions concluded with questions from the participants which added value to the sessions.

            Earlier, Dr. Kuldeep Kaur, the program coordinator introduced the speakers of the day.