Chandigarh May 15, 2019
Shiyana, a UGC – Research Fellowship in Sciences for meritorious students (RFSMS) fellow pursuing PhD under the supervision of Prof. Kanwaljit Chopra, Chairperson, University Institute Pharmaceutical Sciences (UIPS), and Professor, Pharmacology Division, UIPS, Panjab University has brought laurels to the name of the University. She was awarded the prestigious European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) Short Term Fellowship (€ 6252.00) for a period of 3 months from 15 January to 15 April 2019 to conduct circadian research at the Department of Neurohumoral Regulations, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic. The fellowship included subsistence and travel allowance.
She studied the impact of constant artificial light and food intake in the night time on our biological clock in rat brain and ileum. Her research work elucidated the importance of minimizing the exposure to artificial light in the night time and restricting the food intake during the daytime for our good health.
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