Wednesday, March 12

Purnoor, Chandigarh May 3, 2019

            Dr Gurmeet Kaur, Department of Geology, Panjab University and her students in collaboration with other geoscientists from India and abroad are carrying out work to promote significant stones of India which were used in the architectonic heritage in the past. Under prestigious Roland Schlich travel support and IGCP project 637 two students from Dr Kaur’s lab, Mr Amritpaul Singh and Ms Parminder Kaur received funding to attend EGU general assembly 2019 which had more than 16000 geoscientists from 113 countries in attendance. Both the students presented their posters and participated for the Outstanding Student Poster and PICO (OSPP) award. Parminder Kaur (CSIR fellow) received the prestigious OSPP award for her poster presentation. Her award includes full registration fee waiver for the next EGU assembly and an award certificate. She will attend the next EGU assembly at Vienna, Austria in 2020 to receive her award.