Wednesday, March 12

Purnoor, Chandigarh May 3, 2019

            A special lecture was organised on “Ill Effects of Over Population in India”  by Population Research Centre(PRC), Panjab University, Chandigarh sponsored by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India at ICSSR (NW), Chandigarh.

            The key speaker was Sh. Manu Gaur, National President, Taxpayers Association of Bharat (TAXAB). He highlighted the problems associated with over population with facts and figures. He also touched on different aspect relating to over population. The main focus of the discussion was on uneven population growth and its relationship with natural resources. He concluded that uneven population growth is a major challenge for sustainable development.

            Prof. Kiranpreet Kaur, Director PRC highlighted activities and various research projects such as Reproductive and Child Health (RCH), Maternal health, Monitoring and evaluation programmes undertaken by PRC, PU, Chandigarh. Recently Centre has initiated research studies on Swatch Bharat and Health monitoring information system (HMIS). Prof. Devinder Singh addressed and discussed various  implication of right to birth and population law. The concluding remarks were given by Prof. Raghu Ram Rao, Director NIPER, who was Chief guest on the occasion. Dr. Manmohan Singh proposed vote of thanks. The lecture was attended by Chairpersons, Faculty members and research scholars from different departments.