Purnoor, Panchkula, May 2, 2019
In anticipation of the upcoming Lok Sabha Elections to be held on 12.05.2019. All necessary arrangements have been put in place by the District Administration to ensure smooth conduct of election:-
1. Due to sustained efforts by District Administration, there has been a substantial increase in the Electoral Population ratio. Since 01.01.2019; 19355 new votes have been registered and the EPR has increased from 57 % to 60 %.
2. Special Emphasis was laid to bridge the gender gap and ensure increase in female participation in the upcoming Lok Sabha Election. As a result of targeted SVEEP activities for encouraging female voters, total 9585 female voters have been registered since 01.01.2019 and the Gender ratio has increased from 880 to 884.
3. Election Commission of India has laid special emphasis on encouraging young voters to be a part of electoral process. Active participation of Schools & Colleges in the SVEEP activities was ensured through events/nukkad nataks/skits specifically targeting young voters. The age cohort of 18-19 population has increased from 2531 as on 01.01.2019 to 6911 as on now.
4. Election Commission of India has desired that the main theme of upcoming Lok Sabha Elections is “ACCESSIBLE ELECTIONS FOR ALL” District Administration has been more than active to ensure inclusiveness of PWD’s in the upcoming elections. District & Assembly Level Committees have been formulated for the purposes of Identification and facilitation of PWD voters. The total registration of PWD voters is 1884. Further Assured Minimum Facilities are being ensured for PWD voters.
5. District Administration along with District Police is vigilant and alert to ensure maintenance of Law & Order in general and also ensure all precautionary measures are taken to avoid any untoward poll related violence.
6. Sensitivity Analysis has been done of all Polling Stations and out of 410 Polling Stations, 36 have been indentified location-hyper sensitive Polling Stations, 83 are Hyper Sensitive Polling Stations, 19 are Location Sensitive Polling Station & 31 are Identified as Sensitive Polling Stations. In coordination with the District Police, Para Military Forces will be deployed as per requirement. District Administration is confident and gives assurance to all residents of Panchkula that they will be provided a peaceful and cordial environment to cast their vote without any fear or favour.
7. Emphasis has been laid on ensuring inter-departmental coordination in the district. For the purpose of Enforcement and ensuring maintenance of Law & Order at Booth Level, Total of 13 Zonal Magistrates, 35 Sector Officers and 278 Micro Observers has been deployed.
8. Expenditure Monitoring and Enforcement of Model Code of Conduct are being executive in true letter and spirit. Total of 6 Assistant Expenditure Observer teams, 6 Flying Squad teams, 9 Static Surveillance teams, 6 Video Surveillance teams and 2 Video Viewing teams are deployed round the clock to monitor and enforce the Model Code of Conduct and ensuring all election related expenditure by Political Parties and candidates is accounted for and no violation occurs in any manner.
9. There is sufficient availability of Manpower in the district and accordingly for a total of 410 Polling Stations, 452 Presiding Officers, 452 Alternate Presiding Officers and 904 Polling Officers have been deployed. Sufficient Reserve has been kept available and qualitative training is being imparted to all concerned to ensure smooth facilitation and accessibility to residents of Panchkula at Polling Stations.
10. All pre-emptive measures are being taken to ensure proper enforcement of Model Code of Conduct accordingly. A total of 1426 Arms have been deposited, 18 persons have been put in preventive custody under relevant provisions of CrPC, a total of 10 persons have been found under preventive Section of CrPC and a total of 202 non bailable warrants have been executed by the District Police.
11. Major Success has been achieved in controlling the illegal movement of cash, liquor and narcotics during the election period. There has been a total cash seizure of Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rs. Ten Lacs); total liquor seizure of 959 bottles and narcotics seizure of the value Rs. 1,88,000/-.
12. All Election related complaint are being readily addressed, a total of 107 complaints have been received which were received from various platforms such as Cvigil, 1950 complaint centered National Grievances Portal.
All measures are being taken to ensure peaceful and smooth conduct of election is District Panchkula. I have assurance to all residents of Panchkula that no difficulty will be faced by any resident in exercising their right to franchise. It is my humble appeal to all eligible voters to be a part of this Mega Festival of Democracy and play role of an enlightened citizen cast their precious vote in the upcoming Lok Sabha Elections.