Wednesday, March 12

Purnoor, Chandigarh April 3, 2019

Expert lecture under the ages of TEQIP-III for motivating students to take up research was conducted for students of Biotechnology Engineering, University Institute of Engineering & Technology, Panjab University, Chandigarh, here today.

            Dr. Pooja Devi, Senior Scientist, CSIO, Chandigarh with the expertise in Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology was the resource person for the event. The title of her talk was “Materials engineering for next generation Energy Harvesting Solutions”. About 120 undergraduates and post graduates from the same department took part in the session. The session was also attended by the Biotech faculty, staff and research scholars.

            Dr. Pooja acquainted the students with basics of bulk and nano materials and emphasised on alternate energy harvesting solutions such as solar energy, geothermal energy, wind energy and hydrogen energy as future fuels. She discussed different applications of materials engineering in the field of energy harvesting solutions as well as sensing technology for toxic substances such as heavy metals in water.

            The students found the sessions engrossing, helpful and motivating as the speaker linked her material engineering research with the field of biotechnology for developing bio photoelectrode for hydrogen fuel. The students were of the opinion that such sessions should be routinely held in the department for the benefit of the students.