Wednesday, March 12

Chandigarh, March 31, 2019

          Tanvi Samujh, an intern of Dr Harvans Singh Judge Institute of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Panjab University, Chandigarh attended the 3rd Euroscicon Conference on Dental & Dental Hygiene at Budapest (Hungary) from March 25-26,2019.

         She was awarded the Best Paper Award in the meeting for her paper entitled ”Autotransplantation: An evolving treatment modality in modern dentistry patients.” Autotransplantation is a new technique which provide patients with all the benefits of a natural teeth. This technique involves the transfer of impacted, embedded, or, erupted teeth into extraction sites or into surgically prepared sockets. She has also moderated one full day scientific session on March 25,2019.

        Apart from her, 3 other interns namely- Ms Tanvi Thakur, Ms Arshdeep Kaur, Ms Anisha also attended the conference and presented papers. Earlier in October 2017, she received the Best Research Award in the 29th Annual World Congress of Dental Medicine and Dentistry held on October 16-18,2017 at New York (USA) on her paper entitled “A step ahead in Periodontal Regeneration on Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF)- Second generation Platelet concentrate.”

        Tanvi gives the credit of this honour to her College Principal Dr. Jagat Bhushan  for his continuous encouragement and support, to her teachers who helped her to prepare the paper. Tanvi has all the praise for her parents who constantly motivated her to attend the international and national conferences. Her father Dr. Ram Samujh is working as Professor and Head, Department of Pediatric Surgery at Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh.