Wednesday, March 12

Chandigarh, March 31, 2019

        A one day seminar on Law, Technology and Development in the 21 st Century: Transforming Challenges Into opportunities, sponsored by Indian Council for Social Sciences Research North West Regional Centre (ICSSR-NWRC) was held at University Institute of Legal Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh, on 30 th March 2019. The seminar, held under the mentorship of Professor Rattan Singh, Director, University Institute of Legal Studies and Dr. Sabina Salim, Faculty Co-ordinator, discussed the fundamental issue of the 21 st century i.e. relationship between technology and law. In the keynote address Professor Sanjay Sindhu, Director University Institute Legal Studies, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla highlighted the complexities between technological advancements and development of law. With a special emphasis on the Indian position, the necessity of law to keep abreast with technological advancements as well as the need to evaluate the manner in which technology affects the field of law was analyzed in greater detail. Further, he referred to the intricacies of technologies and its effects on the society while playing in the cyber world and laws related to technology. He also pointed out the way in which the development and society have to maintain balance with each other. Discussing multiple dimensions in the technological shift, he emphasized on the need for field of law to keep pace with the changing times in order to cater to the society at large.

Refering to the 21st century as a century of dynamic changes, professor Sindhu reiterated that law required to be dynamic to cater to the present challenges. Citing examples from the law, the thought provoking address focused on many socio-political and cultural challenges which the society would face with the advancement of technology Distinguished members from the field law were a part of the seminar. The chief guest on the occasion was Mr. Partap Singh, Sr. Advocate and Member Bar Council of India. The guest of honour included Mr. Harpreet Singh Brar, Chairman, Bar Council of Punjab and Haryana High Court and Mr. Suvir Sidhu, Honrary Secretary, Bar Council of Punjab and Haryana High Court.

Mr. Partap Singh praising the research work carried in the region, highlighted the importance of such seminars as they create a bridge between the world of praxis and theory, and help in formulation of syllabus which address the needs of the society. Further, the rapid development in technology and the need for of law to cater to such challenges were discussed by the dignitaries.

In addition, Professor Rattan Singh highlighted the importance of contemporary topics as a subject of discussion for the seminars. His address focused on the challenges faced by law with technological advancements highlighting advantages and challenges. With more than one hundred paper presentation from all over the country, the participants comprehensively discussedsocial, political and cultural issues around the complex subject which was further divided intofour sub-themes which included Economy, Technology and Development, Society, Cultures and Technology, Environment, Technology and Development and Technological Challenges and opportunities: The Future of Law.